Last month, when it was carrying out fasting, my father had to be hospitalized because of illness Partner Plumbon liver cancer and kidney damage. Doctors pled being referred to the hospital in Jakarta. Since then I started looking for information on herbal medicine; on the internet. Alhamdulillah, my father to this day shows the development of health, even started to walk again. The family agreed to accompany medical treatment with herbal medicine. The pattern of life my father, indeed including the poor according to the medical, because he always rely on medical drugs. One cause liver and kidney damage, he is the consumption of drugs. According to doctors, chemical drugs actually have an effect on liver function and kidney disorders. Doctor's certificate that makes me the spirit to try alternative medicine using herbs. Herbal medicines are either already in the form of extract has no harmful effects. How do I know herbal Benefits? Indonesia is rich with medicinal plants, even the ...