STUDENT INTERESTS JOIN EXTRA-CURRICULAR LOW, THERE WHAT? "So Junior, NO! Senior Direct, OK! Interesting activities, YES! "

Not yet subsided talks "motorcycle gang" that has many victims. "The world of education" be sad, when a scapegoat is not successful due to extracurricular activities.
How in the SMA Sukahaji? From reports Extracurricular values into the guardian class, the average of each class XI and XII only about 5-9 people who take extra members or approximately 25%. At the inauguration activities with a new member of the Red Cross Youth, Army raiser Flag, School Safety Patrol, Nature Lovers Group and the Scientific Group of Youth was only followed by 53 orang.Artinya only about 25% of all students of class X.
This condition is clearly worrying. Extracurricular activities are expected to juvenile delinquency deterrence and dealer interest in students' talents, not functioning optimally.

Sukahaji high school student who violates school discipline and moral norms of society, most are not listed as an active member of the extracurricular. This proved very must improve its management, management of extracurricular activities of each organizational level, student council, Students up to the level of the institution.
At the level of extracurricular organizations, that might be addressed are:
1. Separation of senior and junior, especially in the inauguration activities generate reluctance incoming members. "Senior power, junior withstand punishment, long time no members."
2. Good organization, including program activities (curriculum activities), the budget. Activities that rely on custom legacy will be boring. Saturation pay contributions add to the burden of students who have piled school tuition, dues OSIS, and tuition classes. "Free, many members, drag events. There are tuition, full of activities, members of a blur. "
3. Aspirations shelter proposals, criticisms, suggestions need to habituation, keeping ketidakberartian school students in advance.


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