Really Scout Enforcer less attractive? If we visited a few schools that do not require their students to enter Scouting members, the truth case. Each grade level even when spreading the extra choice questionnaire, only gets less than 10 students who chose.
Factors causing the decline of interest in the Boy Scouts, among others:
  1. Boy Scouts mostly oriented material only to the General Conditions of Proficiency. This material is already familiar to students, which raised the sense of saturated and there is no appeal. For those interested only in exploration activities or camp alone.
  2. Seniors who are too authoritarian attitudes in every activity. Sometimes the presentation of some base material submitted to the Board of activity shelves without any clear guidance regarding the presentation of techniques and methods that appeal to the age of enforcement. Habit of giving punishment to the younger ones lead to reluctance to follow the activities of attitude. One little punished, let alone a big one.
  3. Enforcement activities in the container such advanced DKR and DKC less penetrating into shelves. There's even a district that has no DKR although the district has stood for more than one school level SMTA.
How efforts to revive interest in the Scouts for high school students? Surely we first analyze problems that occurred in accordance with their respective school environment. In general, maybe we can do some of the efforts include:
  1. Try a variation of the activities that are primarily menantang.Sesekali could conduct joint activities with other extracurricular groups. This is because the study materials related to Scouting almost other extracurricular activities. Other activities that are probably more interested lately such as computers, internet, web / blog, or social networking sites in internet.Intinya us to revamp the material events that led to the Special Skills.
  2. The role of the coach to supervise the actions or attitudes toward younger siblings senior essential role by keeping shelves give confidence to the Council to undertake activities. Patrons seek the emergence of creativity in all aspects of enforcement activity.
  3. Visits or activities along with shelves are also required. This is to provide an opportunity to exchange opinion and experience exchange between the shelves.
  4. No less critical attention and financial support in every activity. There are still many schools that failed to give attention in terms of cost and means of support for student council activities and organizations under it, including the Boy Scouts.


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