Reform era, the era of globalization and the era of freedom of information, which is said we are living now. In this era requires an institution, organization, government officials acting democratically.
How democratic? A question that raises some answers sometimes contradictory. Grip which we hold, western-style democracy or a democracy according to Islamic guidelines.
One thing that was the hallmark of democracy terapnya is roomy chest of a leader to receive advice or criticism from his subordinates. There are many events that actually shows that we are not ready to behave democratically in our lives. Some common problems include:
1. A subordinate would criticize his boss through a medium. Subordinates are mnerima pink slip from his superiors.
2. In the meeting, a leader always give bad rating to members who are always critical even if that criticism is not financial problems.
3. A critical activist who never held important positions in public office even if he was in the position to be isolated on the orders of their leaders.
In the world of education, recently much discussed and was implemented nation character of cultural education. Could this would produce a new generation that really upholds the values of democracy? The answer depends on the attitude of educators who truly want to change the mental attitude and the attitude of their students with examples of exemplary education.
Optimistic ... ... reform is still running and running in anticipation dream of a democratic leader. We return to ourselves each, Do not ever expect to change the state, institutions, orgaginisasi our place in it become democratic without changing ourselves we each advance


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